About Us

About Us

examining sample in lab

The Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic (PIDC) provides diagnoses of plant problems (plant diseases and insect damage) and the identification of insects from the field, garden, and home. The PIDC is a joint effort between Iowa State University Extension & Outreach and the Plant Pathology, Entomology and Microbiology, Horticulture, and Agronomy departments.

Contact Information

Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic
2445 ATRB
2213 Pammel Dr.
Ames, IA 50011

Phone: 515 294-0581
E-mail: pidc@iastate.edu

Get driving directions

Services, Forms, and Fees* for Iowa Residents

Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic staff diagnose plant health problems and identify insects. Learn about our services and how to submit samples.  Be sure to review our Terms and Conditions.  Always include a sample submission form when sending or dropping off a sample. Do not send money with your sample, you will receive a statement from ISU after your diagnosis is complete.

Services (follow the link for service and sampling details)Submission FormFee
Plant Problem Diagnosis (disease, insect, abiotic)PIDC 45 - Form$25.00*
Microscope Insect Identification (most samples)PIDC 45 - Form$12.00
Molecular Insect IdentificationPIDC 45 - Form$42.00
Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) egg countPIDC 32 - Nematode Form$30.00
Nematode Identification (corn, turfgrass, fruit, and vegetables, etc.) PIDC 32 - Nematode Form$40.00

*Fee is for standard morphological and microscopic diagnosis. Additional fees may apply for specialized media, and molecular and serological-based diagnostic methods. See details on the Plant Problem Diagnosis page.  We will contact you before any additional testing.

Out-of-State Residents

Contact us before submitting an out-of-state sample for fees and restrictions, or contact your local diagnostic clinic on the National Plant Diagnostic Network- NPDN

PIDC Diagnostitions

Chelsea J. Harbach

Dr. Chelsea Harbach

Plant Disease Diagnostician

Zach Schumm

Zach Schumm

Insect Diagnostician, SCN

Undergraduate Assistants

Jenna Goslin

Jenna Goslin

Senior, Biology major, Horticulture minor

Gianna Guglielmi

Sophomore, Horticulture Major

Lily Pumphrey

Senior, Biology major
Caleb Spry

Caleb Spry

Senior, Horticulture Major, Technical Communications Minor