


Planting for pollinators and other beneficial insects is a fun way to add colorful flowers to your garden, increase pollination of your fruits and vegetable, and even manage pest insects.  Bees have special adaptation that make them especially good at pollination, but many insects feed on pollen and nectar including butterflies and lady beetles. 

bumble bee

Bumble Bees

Bumble bees are big, fuzzy insects recognized by almost everyone by their robust shape and black and yellow coloration. The common species are 3/4 inch in length or more. Like honey bees, bumble bees live in a colony where the adults care for the young (larvae) produced by a single queen.

Frequently Asked Questions

Pollinator Experts

Laura Iles

Laura Iles

Biological control options
Protecting pollinating insects

Zach Schumm

Zach Schumm

Pollinator identification
Biological control options

Aaron Steil

Aaron Steil

Plant selection and care

Cindy Haynes

Cindy Haynes

Plant selection and care