Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic
Insect identification services have increased in price as of Jan 1, 2025. Our responsibility is to provide quality services at the lowest possible cost to customers. You may continue to submit insect images for free, and we will provide an ID, if possible, before we request an official sample. You may find our current plant and insect submission prices on our submission form, or on our rate table.
How to Submit a Sample
Submission Forms
Services We Offer
Here are the types of samples we accept for diagnosis:
- Whole plants or plant part problems
- Insects, spiders, ticks, mites, and other arthropods from outdoors/indoors
- Soybean cyst nematode egg counts
- Complete soil nematode counts
Services We Do NOT Offer
- Weed/plant identification (contact your local Extension office for help)
- Tick disease testing
- Mushroom identification
- Pesticide residue testing
- Soil and plant nutrient analyses
- Insects or arthropods causing skin irritation in humans or animals
- Herbicide resistance testing
What We Do
Iowa State University Plant & Insect Diagnostic Clinic is supported by funding from ISU Extension & Outreach, ISU Department of Horticulture, ISU Department of Plant Pathology, Entomology, & Microbiology, ISU Integrated Pest Management, and the National Plant Diagnostic Network.