Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic
How to Submit a Sample
Get tips for submitting each sample type before you send to the clinic.
Submission Forms
Each sample you submit must be accompanied with a submission form.
We recommend mailing your sample, but dropoffs are welcome during business hours.
Services We Offer
Here are the types of samples we accept for diagnosis:
- Whole plants or plant part problems
- Insects, spiders, ticks, mites, and other arthropods from outdoors/indoors
- Soybean cyst nematode egg counts
- Complete soil nematode counts
Services We Do NOT Offer
- Weed/plant identification (contact your local Extension office for help)
- Tick disease testing
- Mushroom identification
- Pesticide residue testing
- Soil and plant nutrient analyses
- Insects or arthropods causing skin irritation in humans or animals
- Herbicide resistance testing
What We Do
Iowa State University Plant & Insect Diagnostic Clinic is supported by funding from ISU Extension & Outreach, ISU Department of Horticulture, ISU Department of Plant Pathology, Entomology, & Microbiology, ISU Integrated Pest Management, and the National Plant Diagnostic Network.