Houseplants and Indoor Gardening

Houseplants and Indoor Gardening

Indoor plants in pots


Growing plants indoors is a popular and rewarding hobby.  Find guides on providing the ideal light, humidity, and temperature for growing any plant indoors.  Iowans will find information on watering, fertilizing, repotting, propagating, and growing all types of houseplants, from African violet to Zz plants and every foliage, flowering, and succulent houseplant in between. 

How to create and care for a terrarium

Terrariums are closed transparent glass or plastic containers used to create a mini-environment or ecosystem for plants.  The principle behind a terrarium is simple. The water from the soil is taken up into the plant as it grows. The water is then released through the leaves via transpiration. This water condenses on the glass and runs back to the soil, where it can be used again.

Because this mini water cycle occurs inside the sealed terrarium, the plants can go for months without watering. It also creates a jungle-like atmosphere of high humidity, warm temperatures, and no drafts, which are perfect conditions for many of the tropical-native houseplants common in homes.

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Mini greenhouse decor

Frequently Asked Questions

Indoor Gardening Experts

Aaron Steil

Aaron Steil

Consumer Horticulture Extension Specialist
Care of Houseplants
Indoor Gardening
Hobby Greenhouses
Tropical Plants

Cindy Haynes

Cindy Haynes

Care of Houseplants
Indoor Gardening