Soils, Fertilizing, and Composting

Soils, Fertilizing, and Composting

soil composting


Great gardens start from the ground up.  The Iowa landscape thrives when soils are healthy, and it starts with good information on composting, fertilizing, and managing soils to help one of the most precious resources in the Iowa yard and garden – the soil!

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Composting FAQs

Composting is the best way to dispose of your yard and garden wastes. Iowa State University has several resources and frequently asked questions to help with all aspects of composting.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Soil, Fertilizing, and Composting Experts

Aaron Steil

Aaron Steil

Consumer Horticulture Extension Specialist
Home Composting
Garden Soil Management

Cindy Haynes

Cindy Haynes

Home Composting
Garden Soil Management