Care and How-To - Soils, Fertilizing, and Composting
Iowa soils are very diverse and so are the chemical characteristics that make up these soils. Soil pH is one property that can vary widely across the state both naturally and due to how we manage the field or garden. It is also one of the most cost effective and easy to manage soil properties that can be modified to improve plant health and crop production.
Learn about how to decrease and increase your soil pH below.
What is "well-drained" soil and how can you improve "poorly-drained" soils? Learn how to test soil drainage and what to do to improve soil drainage.
Commercial fertilizers, composted manures, and other fertilizers are applied to supplement a soil's natural fertility. The rate of material to apply varies according to past fertilizer use, crop grown, soil type, and other factors.
Raised beds have become popular features in the home landscape. They are both functional and attractive and can be used to grow flowers, vegetables, and small fruits.
Learn how to build your own raised beds for use in vegetable gardens and other areas in the landscape.
Manure is the oldest fertilizer known to civilization and can be a cost-effective soil amendment with many beneficial qualities. Many gardeners feel manure is superior to synthetic products. Careful and appropriate use of manure, especially in vegetable gardens, is important.
Organic mulches serve several important functions in gardens and landscape plantings.
These many benefits make the use of mulch very beneficial in a wide range of garden settings. When choosing which organic mulch to use, consider availability, cost, appearance, function, and durability.
Worm composting, or vermicomposting is often used for composting kitchen scraps. It is an appropriate option for a basement or other semi-heated indoor space.
Many areas of the landscape benefit from fertilization, especially the lawn, edible gardens, flowering annuals, and houseplants. However, figuring out how and when to use fertilizers responsibly can be confusing, and improper fertilization can harm plants and the environment.
Follow the guidelines below to learn more about fertilizing all the plants in your landscape and garden properly.
Vermicomposting is composting with earthworms. It is becoming a popular alternative or addition to composting and has several benefits for home gardeners. Because the earthworms actually eat vegetable and fruit scraps, the scraps are deg
As winter fades and spring arrives, several things can be done to prepare the garden for the upcoming growing season.
Below are tips for the perennial garden, vegetable garden, annual containers, trees & shrubs, houseplants, and lawns.
Container gardens are an excellent way to grow plants in limited spaces and to add variety and interest to the landscape. Container gardening is relatively easy but there are several things to know before you get started. Included below are several resources to help with container gardening.
Composting is the best way to dispose of your yard and garden wastes. Below are resources and frequently asked questions on composting.
Wood ashes have been used for hundreds of years as a fertilizer. Be sure to use it in moderation on the garden. It contains essential nutrients but can raise soil pH too high.
When buying mulch, you need to know how much to purchase based on the size of the garden bed and the depth you wish to spread the mulch. Use this guide to help determine how much mulch to purchase.