Basic Garden Management, Maintenance, and Design

Basic Garden Management, Maintenance, and Design

gardening basics


Learn how to create beautiful, functional, low-maintenance, environmentally friendly, and sustainable Iowa landscapes.  Find information on the basics of watering, weeding, fertilizing, planting, and propagating to selecting, designing, and maintaining any Iowa yard and garden, whether it features stately trees, edible plants, or natives for pollinators and wildlife.

Home Landscape Planning and Design

Thoughtful landscape design allows you to create a yard and garden that is beautiful and functional.  Understanding the basics of garden design, whether you do-it-yourself or are working with a professional.

Iowa State University has several resources that can help.

Understanding the Basics of Landscape Design

Home Landscape Planning Worksheet

shade garden
landscape design plan By Pixel-Shot AdobeStock_500353246
beautiful garden

Frequently Asked Questions

Basic Gardening Experts

Aaron Steil

Aaron Steil

Consumer Horticulture Extension Specialist
General Gardening Questions
Plant Selection and Identification
Home Landscape Design and Management
Organic Gardening

Cindy Haynes

Cindy Haynes

General Gardening Questions
Plant Selection and Identification
Home Landscape Design and Management
Organic Gardening

Jeff Iles

Jeff Iles

Professor of Horticulture
Woody Plant Selection and Identification
Home Landscape Management