Flower and vegetable plants purchased from greenhouses or started indoors should not be planted directly into the garden. The intense sun and strong winds may damage or kill the tender seedlings. Bedding plants should be "hardened" (…
Flower and vegetable plants purchased from greenhouses or started indoors should not be planted directly into the garden. The intense sun and strong winds may damage or kill the tender seedlings. Bedding plants should be "hardened" (…
Most vegetable seeds will remain viable for several years when stored in a cool, dry location. If properly stored, cabbage, broccoli, cucumber, squash, watermelon, eggplant, and radish seeds will remain viable for 5 years. Snap bean,…
Careful observation of your seedlings will help you determine if the light levels are appropriate. Seedlings that are not receiving enough light will stretch and lean towards the light source. Use a brighter fixture that provides more…
Supplemental lights need to oriented relatively close to the seedlings to be effective and therefore need to be adjustable in height to accommodate the growing plants. For most fluorescent fixtures, the seedlings should be 4 to 6 inches…
Fruit trees should be pruned on an annual basis. Annual pruning of young (non-bearing) fruit trees develops a strong framework and desirable tree shape. Annual pruning of bearing trees maintains tree vigor, maximizes fruit yields, and…
Trees utilize sugars and other carbohydrates manufactured by the foliage for plant growth. Therefore, avoid the temptation to severely prune newly planted trees. Severe pruning reduces the tree’s ability to manufacture food and…
Damping-off is probably responsible for the collapse and death of your seedlings. Damping-off is caused by several different fungi. Environmental conditions associated with damping-off are poorly drained potting soil, overcrowding, and excessive…
Poor or erratic germination of seeds may be caused by improper planting (for example, planting too deeply), uneven moisture, cool temperatures, and old seed.
Fine seeds and those seeds which require light…
Flower and vegetable seeds can be purchased at local garden centers and other retailers. They’re also available directly from seed growers and producers.
Mail-order/internet sources of seed from seed growers and producers…
Variety and cultivar are two terms often used interchangeably by gardeners and horticulturists, but they are not the same thing.
Both are part of the scientific name. Both appear after the specific epithet (second term in a scientific name…
Most flower and vegetable seeds germinate best when the temperature of the germination medium (potting mix) is 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
Grapevines produce fruit clusters on the previous season’s growth. Before pruning, a grapevine may have 200 to 300 buds capable of producing fruit. If the vine is not pruned, the number of grape clusters would be excessive and the…
There are summer-bearing and fall-bearing yellow raspberry varieties. ‘Honey Queen’ is a summer-bearing variety. Fall-bearing yellow raspberry varieties include ‘Fall Gold,’ ‘Golden Harvest,’ and ‘Anne.’
The germination medium should be lightweight, porous, and free of pathogens. Excellent seed-starting media are commercially prepared soilless mixes, such as Jiffy Mix. Use a high quality, well-drained potting mix when transplanting…
For most home gardeners, a plug-in shop fluorescent or LED light fixture is the perfect type of light to use for seed starting. When shopping for fluorescent lights, look for high-output, full-spectrum (…
Cut off the branch just beyond the branch collar and branch bark ridge. The branch collar is the swollen area at the base of the branch. The branch bark ridge is the dark, rough bark ridge that separates the branch from the main…
The yellow-green color is likely due to a nutrient deficiency. Nitrogen and phosphorus deficiencies sometimes occur when flower and vegetable seedlings are started indoors. Symptoms of a nitrogen deficiency include yellow-green foliage and…
Without adequate light, seedlings become lanky. Tall, spindly seedlings do not transplant well into the garden. For most homes, even the brightest windowsill does not provide enough light and the light is one-sided causing seedlings…
A standard fluorescent shop fixture containing two 40-watt tubes provides sufficient light to grow seedlings indoors. For best results, place one cool white and one warm white tube in each fixture. Place the fluorescent lights no more…
The whitish or brown molds that grow on the surface of peat pots and other organic materials are unsightly, but will not harm healthy seedlings. However, the presence of molds may indicate excessive moisture levels. Overwatering may lead to…