The Plant & Insect Diagnostic Clinic is happy to announce we now have updated versions of all our sample submission forms that are now fillable PDF's!
The forms are available at the Iowa State University Extension & Outreach Store or from the PIDC website at
*Note there is an underscore (_) between PIDC and the number.
To submit a sample to the PIDC follow the instructions on the second page of the form. For example on the Plant Problems and Damage form, the second page has sections on "submitting a sample and "hints for specific plant material."
When downloading the PDF file to your computer, note that the forms are now fillable so that you can type in the boxes provided and select from the lists on the form. Once you have completed the fields print as usual and include your form with your sample.
We hope these changes help make the process of submitting a sample easier. Try out our new forms and let us know what you think! We love to hear from you!
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