While most trees and shrubs bloom in spring or summer, witch hazels are a notable exception. Common witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) blooms from mid-October to early December. Vernal witch hazel (Hamamelis vernalis) and…
While most trees and shrubs bloom in spring or summer, witch hazels are a notable exception. Common witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) blooms from mid-October to early December. Vernal witch hazel (Hamamelis vernalis) and…
Gather the fruit (capsules) of the buckeyes as soon as they fall to the ground. Dry the fruit for 1 or 2 days at room temperature until the capsules split, then remove the shiny, brown seeds.
The seeds of buckeyes and many…
Deer may feed on trees and shrubs during the winter months and severely damage or destroy plants. Damage is most likely to occur when food is scarce during prolonged periods of snow cover. Deer often feed on the foliage on the lower…
Willows (Salix species) are easily propagated by hardwood cuttings. On a mild winter day in late February or early March (temperatures should be above freezing), go out and collect cutting material. Prune off branches that…
Narrow and broadleaf evergreens lose considerable amounts of moisture through their leaves or needles, buds, and stems during the winter months. The loss of water is mainly due to strong winds and sun. Once the ground freezes, however…
Forcing can be done as soon as the buds start to swell. Forsythia and pussywillow can be forced as early as February. It's best to wait until March for more difficult-to-force ornamentals, such as crabapples, magnolias, and redbuds.…
Trees utilize sugars and other carbohydrates manufactured by the foliage for plant growth. Therefore, avoid the temptation to severely prune newly planted trees. Severe pruning reduces the tree’s ability to manufacture food and…
No, there is no need to uncover the evergreens. The snow will not suffocate the evergreens. The snow acts like an insulating blanket and protects the evergreens from desiccating winter winds.
Do not apply a pruning paint or wound dressing to pruning wounds. The application of a pruning paint or wound dressing does not prevent wood decay and may actually interfere with the tree’s natural wound responses.
Oak trees are an…
The weight of heavy, wet snow can cause considerable damage to small trees and shrubs. When heavy, wet snow accumulates on small trees and shrubs, gently shake the snow from their branches or carefully brush off the snow with a broom.…
Some tree species, such as maple, birch, and elm, “bleed” heavily when pruned in late winter or early spring. However, the loss of sap does not harm the trees. The trees will not “bleed” to death. Eventually the flow of sap will…
Browning of yews in late winter or early spring is usually the result of desiccation injury. Evergreen foliage continues to lose moisture during the winter months, particularly on windy or sunny days. However, once the soil freezes, the plant’s…
The black growths are probably black knot. Black knot is a fungal disease that occurs on chokecherry, European birdcherry, and several other wild and cultivated cherries and plums. The black growths (galls) can vary from a few inches…
Plants can be propagated by a number of different methods. Hardwood stem cuttings utilize shoots of the previous year’s growth on trees, shrubs, and vines to produce new plants.
Learn more from this article: …
The brown growths in your ash tree are probably ash flower galls. Galls are abnormal plant growths induced to form by small insects, mites, or other organisms. On ash trees, a tiny mite causes the male flowers to develop into roundish…
The symptoms of salt injury to deciduous trees and shrubs include stunted growth, marginal leaf scorch, early fall coloration, and twig dieback. Accumulation of salt in the soil over several years may result in progressive decline and eventual…
The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is an exotic destructive pest that kills all native ash trees (Fraxinus). The loss of ash trees significantly impacts the urban tree canopy. While treatment options are available, some trees cannot be treated…
Variety and cultivar are two terms often used interchangeably by gardeners and horticulturists, but they are not the same thing.
Both are part of the scientific name. Both appear after the specific epithet (second term in a scientific name…
After cutting the material to the proper length, dip the bottom of each cutting in a rooting hormone. Gather the cuttings together (placing all the tops in one direction) and secure them with twine or rubber bands. Place the bundled…
The length of most hardwood stem cuttings varies from 4 to 12 inches. However, the cuttings of some plants may be up to 30 inches in length. The diameter of hardwood stem cuttings typically ranges from ¼ to 1 inch. Each cutting…
To prevent extensive bark damage, use a 3-cut procedure when pruning branches that are greater than 1½ inches in diameter. Make the first cut 6 to 12 inches from the main branch or trunk. Cut upward and go about one-third of the way…
There are summer-bearing and fall-bearing yellow raspberry varieties. ‘Honey Queen’ is a summer-bearing variety. Fall-bearing yellow raspberry varieties include ‘Fall Gold,’ ‘Golden Harvest,’ and ‘Anne.’
Materials needed to make hardwood stem cuttings include a pruning shears, rooting hormone, plastic bag, and sphagnum moss or wood shavings. Use the pruning shears to collect cutting material and also cut the shoots to the proper length.…
Several species of shrubs can help get your spring off to a colorful start. These multi-stemmed woody plants vary in size and often bloom before the leaves emerge in spring.
Vernal witchhazel (Hamamelis…
While most deciduous trees have flowers of some kind in springtime, they tend to be small and not showy. There are several species of smaller, ornamental trees that have showy blooms in the spring.
The eastern redbud…
In the home landscape, rabbits feed on herbaceous plants (annuals, perennials, vegetables, and grasses) during the growing season. Trees and shrubs become food sources in late fall and winter (December through March). Damage to trees…
Winter (December through February) is the best time to prune oak trees in Iowa. Pruning oak trees in winter greatly reduces the risk of an oak wilt infection.
Oak wilt is a fungal disease that is lethal to many oaks. It…
February through March is generally regarded as the best time to prune most deciduous trees. The absence of foliage at this time of year gives the individual a clear view of the tree and allows the selection and removal of appropriate branches.…
Do not make flush cuts when pruning trees. Flush cuts are pruning cuts made as close as possible to the trunk or main branch. They destroy the tree’s natural defense mechanisms that promote wound compartmentalization and callus…
All shrubs flower. However, the flowers of some deciduous shrubs, such as winged euonymus (burning bush), alpine currant, and fragrant sumac, are small and inconspicuous. These shrubs possess attractive foliage, fruit, bark, or some…