Broadleaf herbicides are most effective when applied to weeds that are actively growing. During prolonged periods of dry weather, some weeds are likely to curl up or wilt. An application of a broadleaf herbicide to drought stressed…
Broadleaf herbicides are most effective when applied to weeds that are actively growing. During prolonged periods of dry weather, some weeds are likely to curl up or wilt. An application of a broadleaf herbicide to drought stressed…
In most cases, very little to no damage will occur to the lawn when a pool, hot tub, or other chlorinated water source is emptied on it, provided it is not done frequently, dumped all in one spot, and care is taken to reduce the chlorine…
Leaving the leaves alone is a good way to support native pollinators and other insects and wildlife. These valuable insects rely on the habitat fallen leaves provide, especially over the winter…
Turfgrass plants utilize light, water, and nutrients to manufacture food. In fall, lawn areas beneath large trees are often completely covered with leaves. The leaf debris prevents the turfgrass plants from manufacturing and storing…
White clover (Trifolium repens) is a creeping perennial. It is a common plant in many Iowa lawns because it is a prolific seed producer and adapts well to mowing and other lawn care practices. Its presence is often a sign of…
If fallen leaves are collected, there are a several options for what you can do with them.
Whenever possible, keep this valuable organic resource on-site. Leaves can be added to a compost…
In Iowa, Kentucky bluegrass lawns can be fertilized in spring (April or May), mid-September, and late October/early November. The number of fertilizer applications is largely determined by an individual’s desires or expectations for their…
After seeding, keep the upper 1 inch of soil moist by watering once or twice a day. With adequate moisture and warm soil temperatures (55 degrees Fahrenheit or above), the seeds of most turfgrasses should germinate in 2 to 3 weeks.…
A newly sodded lawn should be watered once or twice a day for the first 7 to 10 days. Apply enough water to moisten the sod and upper 1 inch of soil. The sod should root to the soil in about 10 days. At this point, gradually…
Most broadleaf herbicides should not be sprayed on newly seeded turfgrass until after the area has been mowed twice. You can start mowing a newly seeded area once the yard has grown to three inches tall, and you can mow it at 2 to 2.5 inches…
Continue to mow the lawn until the grass stops growing in the fall. The foliage of cool-season grasses, such as Kentucky bluegrass, stops growing when daytime high temperatures are consistently below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. In central…
Most lawns in Iowa are comprised of Kentucky bluegrass and other cool-season grasses. Cool-season grasses grow best in spring and late summer/early fall when environmental conditions are usually favorable. Applications of fertilizer…
Fertilizer applications can be made in mid-September and late October/early November. Mid-September fertilization promotes a moderate rate of shoot growth and helps to thicken the turf. An application of fertilizer in late October/…
To insure adequate leaf surface and herbicide absorption, don’t mow the lawn 2 to 3 days before treatment. After treatment, allow 3 to 4 days to pass before mowing. This allows sufficient time for the broadleaf weeds to absorb the…