Spider mites are tiny (about 1/50 inch long when mature). As a result, they are difficult to see with the naked eye. A convenient detection technique is to hold a sheet of white paper under a stem and then shake or tap the stem…
Spider mites are tiny (about 1/50 inch long when mature). As a result, they are difficult to see with the naked eye. A convenient detection technique is to hold a sheet of white paper under a stem and then shake or tap the stem…
Mealybugs on houseplants are difficult to control. Unless the plant is particularly valuable, it’s often best to throw away the infested plant before the insects spread to other houseplants. The standard remedies for houseplant pests…
Spider mites are a common pest of houseplants. Spider mites use piercing-sucking mouthparts to puncture the plant tissue and feed on the liquid within the cells. In light infestations, the foliage appears to be speckled with very tiny…
The houseplant may be infested with scale insects. These small, inconspicuous insects are covered with shell-like coverings. They attach themselves to stems or leaves and suck sap from the plants. As they feed, the scale insects…
The brown growths in your ash tree are probably ash flower galls. Galls are abnormal plant growths induced to form by small insects, mites, or other organisms. On ash trees, a tiny mite causes the male flowers to develop into roundish…
The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is an exotic destructive pest that kills all native ash trees (Fraxinus). The loss of ash trees significantly impacts the urban tree canopy. While treatment options are available, some trees cannot be treated…
Honeydew is a sticky, sugar-rich substance produced by insects that suck sap from plant leaves and stems. This excretion often coats lower leaves, tables, and floors and when severe, may promote the growth of black sooty mold.
Dormant oil sprays are highly refined petroleum products that are mixed with water and applied to trees and shrubs to control aphids, spider mites, and scale. Dormant oils destroy pests by suffocating them. When applied properly, the…
Dormant oil sprays are highly refined petroleum products that are mixed with water and applied to trees and shrubs to control aphids, spider mites, and scale. Dormant oils destroy pests by suffocating them. When applied properly, the…