Most houseplants, including the schefflera, experience stress when moved from one location to another. Environmental conditions in the average home are dramatically different (less favorable) than those in a greenhouse. The less…
Most houseplants, including the schefflera, experience stress when moved from one location to another. Environmental conditions in the average home are dramatically different (less favorable) than those in a greenhouse. The less…
In most cases, very little to no damage will occur to the lawn when a pool, hot tub, or other chlorinated water source is emptied on it, provided it is not done frequently, dumped all in one spot, and care is taken to reduce the chlorine…
Yellowing, browning, and dropping of leaves is one of the most vague and difficult issues to deal with because it can be caused by a wide variety of issues. Many of the problems seen in houseplants are not caused by just one factor, they are the…
Construction of buildings, patios, garages, driveways, sidewalks, and roads often compromises the growing environment of nearby trees. The majority of a tree’s roots are located in the top 12 to 18 inches of soil and often extend well…
Honeydew is a sticky, sugar-rich substance produced by insects that suck sap from plant leaves and stems. This excretion often coats lower leaves, tables, and floors and when severe, may promote the growth of black sooty mold.
Repeated freezing and thawing of the soil during the winter months can lift up or heave some perennials out of the soil. Heaving exposes the plant’s crown and roots to cold, dry air. Perennials that have been heaved up out of the…
Brown leaf tips or edges can happen on any indoor plant but are common on some species like spider plant and dracaena. Trimming the brown portions off the leaves with a scissors can improve appearance, but new browning will occur if…
Wilting is the result of roots not being able to provide adequate moisture to the leaves and stems. It can be caused by two completely opposite reasons, either under-watering or over-watering, which can make it difficult to diagnose and…
Stressful growing conditions typically are the reason for untimely bloom.
Occasionally, spring-blooming shrubs and trees, like lilac, crabapple, magnolia, or forsythia, will bloom out of season during the fall months. This out-of-…