While marigolds are seldom bothered by insects and diseases, they are not problem free. Spider mites can devastate marigolds in hot, dry weather. Grasshoppers can also cause considerable damage. Aster yellows is an occasional…
While marigolds are seldom bothered by insects and diseases, they are not problem free. Spider mites can devastate marigolds in hot, dry weather. Grasshoppers can also cause considerable damage. Aster yellows is an occasional…
Apply a mulch around landscape plantings and garden areas to conserve soil moisture. Mulching reduces the rate of evaporation from the soil surface and also limits weed competition. Organic materials, such as grass clippings, clean…
Marigolds do not repel rabbits, deer, or other animals. In fact, rabbits occasionally browse heavily on marigolds. Erecting a chicken wire or hardware cloth fence around the vegetable garden is the best way to keep rabbits out of the…
Geraniums (Pelargonium) can be overwintered indoors by potting up individual plants, taking cuttings, or storing bare-root plants in a cool, dry location. Remove plants from the garden (or take cuttings) prior to the first fall…
Garden geraniums (Pelargonium x hortorum) are attractive flowering plants for beds, borders, containers, hanging baskets, and window boxes. Geraniums are easy to grow and provide color in the garden from May to frost.…
Crabgrass is an annual weed. In flower and vegetable gardens, hoeing and hand pulling are the best control options. When cultivating the garden, avoid deep tillage. The roots of many vegetables and flowers grow near the soil…
The late growing season is a good time to collect seeds from vegetables and flowers. Seed saving allows gardeners to preserve heirloom varieties or their favorite plants from year to year. Once harvested, the seed will need to be cleaned to…
Air-drying is the best way to preserve cockscomb. After harvesting cockscomb, strip the foliage from the stems. Tie the stems into small bunches with rubber bands. Hang the loose bunches upside down in a warm, dry, well-…
Once seeds are collected and properly cleaned, they need to be stored. Proper storage conditions for seeds are essential to maintain viability and good germination at planting time.…
Using a sharp knife, take 3- to 4-inch stem cuttings from the terminal ends of the shoots. Pinch off the lower leaves, then dip the base of each cutting in a rooting hormone. Stick the cuttings into a rooting medium of vermiculite or…
Carefully dig up the geraniums before the first fall frost. Shake the soil from the plant’s roots. Then place one or two plants in a large paper sack and store in a cool (45 to 55 degree Fahrenheit), dry location. An unheated…
Carefully dig up each plant before the first fall frost and place in a large container. Water each plant thoroughly, then place the geraniums in a bright, sunny window or under artificial lighting. Geraniums prefer cool indoor…
The frequency of watering may vary considerably from container to container. Watering frequency depends on the size and type of container, composition of the potting mix, plant species, and weather conditions. Some plants, such as…
Plants in hanging baskets need to be watered frequently (especially in summer). Potting mixes are light, well-drained, and dry out quickly. Plus, hanging baskets may contain several plants. In general, water plants in hanging…
Good fall clean-up is beneficial for containers and garden beds where annuals are grown to help prevent disease and pest issues as well as reduce unwanted reseeding of some annual species in future growing seasons.
There are several species of fountain grass. Perennial fountain grass (Pennisetum alopecuroides) is a perennial grass. It is hardy in much of Iowa. Annual fountain grass (Pennisetum setaceum) is a widely grown…
In landscape plantings, control of downy mildew on impatiens with fungicides is not practical. Sanitation is the best management strategy for this disease. Remove and destroy infected plants as soon as they are noticed to reduce the spread to…
Annuals are a great way to add variety and color to the landscape and containers. As temperatures cool in late summer into fall, many of the summer annuals like marigolds, coleus and impatiens are looking “tired”. These annuals can be replaced by…
Part shade garden areas receive 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight each day. Some annuals thrive in these conditions, and others may grow best in full sun but tolerate part shade. For these species, they may have fewer flowers or a more…
Symptoms of impatiens downy mildew initially appear as yellowing of infected leaves. The yellow-green foliage may initially be confused with a nutritional deficiency. As the infection progresses, leaves may curl downward and a white, fuzzy growth…
Cool-season annuals are annual plants that prefer cool temperatures, growing best in spring or fall. Many are tolerant of a light frost often surviving down to 28°F or sometimes even 25°F with little damage to flowers or leaves. They are great…
Cool-season annuals are annual plants that prefer cool temperatures, growing best in spring or fall. Many are tolerant of a light frost often surviving down to 28°F or sometimes even 25°F with little damage to flowers or leaves.
If stored properly, the seeds of many vegetables and flowers will remain viable (alive) for 2 to 3 years.
Ideal storage conditions are cool and dry. Keep the seeds in their original packets so…
When plants produce a chemical that prevents the growth of other plants, it is called allelopathy.
Black walnut is a common woodland and landscape tree in the Midwest that produces an allelopathic compound called juglone which is…
The late growing season is a good time to collect seeds from vegetables and flowers. Seed saving allows gardeners to preserve heirloom varieties or their favorite plants from year to year.
Cool-season annuals are annual plants that prefer cool temperatures, growing best in spring or fall. Many are tolerant of a light frost often surviving down to 28°F or sometimes even 25°F with little damage to flowers or leaves. They are great…
It is easiest to save seed from varieties of vegetables and plants that are open-pollinated. These seedlings typically resemble the parent plants as long as they are not allowed to cross pollinate…
Martha Washington or regal geraniums (Pelargonium x domesticum) produce beautiful flowers. Unfortunately, cool (50 to 60°F), night temperatures are required for flower formation. Few flowers form during the summer…
Cool-season annuals are annual plants that prefer cool temperatures, growing best in spring or fall. Many are tolerant of a light frost often surviving down to 28°F or sometimes even 25°F with little damage to flowers or leaves.
Plants such…