Welcome New ISU Extension & Outreach Wildlife Specialist

The Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management is pleased to welcome Dr. Adam Janke as the Extension Wildlife Specialist.
Adam has completed degrees in wildlife conservation at three Midwestern land grant institutions; a B.S. from Purdue University, a M.S. from Ohio State University, and he recently completed his Ph.D. at South Dakota State University.  His research experience has been with game bird habitat use and quality in working agricultural landscapes.  His M.S. work in Ohio was on northern bobwhite ecology and his Ph.D. work evaluated wetland habitat quality for spring-migrating ducks in South Dakota.
His extension and research program at ISU will focus on finding opportunities for strengthening wildlife conservation in working landscapes in Iowa and the Midwest.  He will also coordinate and lead the Iowa Master Conservationist Program. More information about the wildlife extension program at ISU can be found at www.wildlife.extension.iastate.edu.
Please help us welcome Dr. Janke to the Extension & Outreach team.

Dr. Adam Janke in a field
Dr. Adam Janke is the new Extension Wildlife Specialist for ISU.

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