EPA Invites Comments on Options for Protecting the Monarch Butterfly

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is soliciting public comment on potential actions or a combination of actions that would be the most effective in reducing the impacts of herbicides on the monarch butterfly. The deadline for comments is July 24, 2015.


Learn more on the EPA website (may be slow to load). 


The action is to gather comments on an earlier report called Risk Management Approach to Identifying Options for Protecting the Monarch Butterfly.  A copy of the report is available at www.regulations.gov under docket ID number EPA-HQ-OPP-2015-0389.


The EPA seeks to identify the types of information that will identify appropriate actions that will protect monarch butterflies and their food sources (milkweeds) and also "also enable pesticide users to meet important weed management needs."



Monarch butterfly.Monarch butterfly.


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