A new color-pamphlet is available form Iowa State University that describes and illustrates the common pests, diseases and declines of ash trees in Iowa. With increased attention to ash tress and the looming threat of emerald ash borer,* homeowners, foresters, arborists and others are scrutinizing ash trees with increased attention to detail. Ash trees have suffered from a variety of pests, diseases and ailments for a long time, though many signs and symptoms of pests and evidence of decline are being noticed for the first time.
ISU Extension pamphlet SUL21 illustrates common problems that can be mistaken for emerald ash borer infestation. This diagnostic guide will help identify problems so needless removal or treatment of ash trees can be avoided. Electronic copies are available on line; printed copies can be obtained at your local, Iowa county extension office or through the ISU Extension On-Line Store.
* In 2010, the emerald ash borer (EAB) was discovered in one ash tree growing on an island in the Mississippi River 2 miles south of Minnesota. Since that initial discovery, no additional EAB infestations have been found in Iowa. Read more about emerald ash borer in the January, 2011 Horticulture & Home Pest News.
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