Dursban Insecticide No Longer in Stores

The following information was received from Dow AgroSciences LLC, manufacturer of Dursban (chlorpyrifos) insecticide and summarizes the marketing changes that went into effect on January 1. More information can be obtained from the EPA website .

In brief summary, the most drastic changes for chlorpyrifos have been restrictions on the use in and around residential properties. Homeowners are no longer able to purchase a product containing chlorpyrifos after January 1, 2002. Homeowners can continue to use their current supply of chlorpyrifos products indefinitely. Retailers will no longer be able to sell chlorpyrifos to homeowners after January 1, 2002. The only exception will be the continued sale of child resistant ant and roach baits.

The use of chlorpyrifos in agricultural and forestry businesses is largely unchanged (with a few restrictions added on the most recent labels). Ornamental nurseries can still use chlorpyrifos to control pests such as borers and southern pine beetles.

The maximum application rate on golf courses has been reduced significantly. The few remaining outdoor treatments still allowed are road medians, industrial plant sites, mosquito control and fire ant mound treatments for public health.

You can retrieve the most recent chlorpyrifos labels from Dow .

This article originally appeared in the February 8, 2002 issue, p. 9.

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