
The Iowa State Extension Store offers a number of publications as a free downloadable PDF or for purchase.

All publications related to home gardening can be found below. Find more information at the Extension Store.

Extension Publications

  • Got Plant or Insect Problems?

    Got Plant or Insect Problems?

    The ISU Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic helps Iowans diagnose and manage plant diseases, weeds, and insects in fields and around your home. Here's an introduction to the clinic.

  • Grasses for Special Uses

    Grasses for Special Uses

    Describes and compares five grass species for use in special situations, including buffalograss, zoysiagrass, creeping bentgrass, rough bluegrass, and annual ryegrass.

  • Griffith Buck: Rose Hybridizer

    Griffith Buck: Rose Hybridizer

    Griffith Buck introduced 85 rose cultivars plus 15 geraniums and a heliotrope during his nearly 40 years at Iowa State. Here's more information about the man and his plants.

  • Groundcovers


    Select the best ground cover for your yard. Discover what type of plants work best in your area. Special features include 92 color pictures, 43 plant descriptions, and other tips.

  • Growing Amaryllis

    Growing Amaryllis

    Amaryllis are popular flowering bulbs grown indoors during the winter months. Learn how easy it is to plant an amaryllis bulb and how to care for it as it grows.