
The Iowa State Extension Store offers a number of publications as a free downloadable PDF or for purchase.

All publications related to home gardening can be found below. Find more information at the Extension Store.

Extension Publications

  • Crop Rotations, Composting and Cover Crops for Organic Vegetable Production

    Crop Rotations, Composting and Cover Crops for Organic Vegetable Production

    Organic production and consumption has increased to a $39.5 billion industry in the United States with over 22,000 organic farmers. Over 5.4 million acres are in organic production in the U.S., including 164,403 acres of organic vegetables, valued at $1.3 billion. The majority of organic vegetable growers incorporate crop rotations, composting, and cover crops in their operations. The following information offers a guide for including these practices to meet certified organic rules and increase the long-term sustainability of an organic farm.

  • Dahlias


    Dahlias are available in 15 different official colors and 18 types. Learn about dahlia history, planting and growing tips, fall care, and classification.

  • Daylilies


    Daylilies are easy to grow, relatively pest free, and many varieties multiple quickly. Learn more about daylily characteristics, propagation, growth needs, types, and landscape uses.

  • Deciduous Shrubs

    Deciduous Shrubs

    More than 110 photos plus descriptions of 75 deciduous shrubs (organized by height) will simplify your hunt for the right shrub for your landscape. A comparison chart identifies those with the most ornamental value. Recommendations also are given for specific planting needs, such as dry or wet soils, shaded sites, and food for birds and other wildlife.

  • Delphiniums


    Learn more about delphiniums with this brochure on delphinium traits, care, plant sources, problems, staking, and commonly available varieties.

  • Early Spring Blooming Perennials

    Early Spring Blooming Perennials

    Several perennials that bloom in early spring are often forgotten about among flowers like crocuses and daffodils. Learn how pig squeak, heartleaf brunnera, Lenten rose, candytuft, crested iris, Virginia bluebells, moss phlox, lungwort or Bethlehem sage, pasque flower, and bloodroot could enhance your garden.