
The Iowa State Extension Store offers a number of publications as a free downloadable PDF or for purchase.

All publications related to home gardening can be found below. Find more information at the Extension Store.

Extension Publications

  • Carpenter Ants and Their Control

    Carpenter Ants and Their Control

    Of the approximately 100 different species of ants found in Iowa, the most destructive are carpenter ants. Most carpenter ants are large and shiny black, although some species are dark brown or reddish and medium-sized. These ants can cause major structural damage when they tunnel in wood to construct their nests.

    This publication covers identification, life cycle and habits, management and prevention of carpenter ants.

  • Choosing a Landscape Contractor

    Choosing a Landscape Contractor

    Hiring a landscaper can be a daunting task. This publication provides information on professional certification and other requirements in Iowa, and topics to discuss with potential contractors.

  • Choosing an Arborist

    Choosing an Arborist

    Tree work should be performed only by a properly trained and equipped arborist. Considerations in choosing an arborist include certification, insurance, references, contracts, etc.

  • Cilantro


    Cilantro or coriander (Coriandrum sativum) is member of the carrot family, native to the Mediterranean region, and the world’s most widely used herb. The seed of this plant is the spice coriander, and the leaf is the herb cilantro. The plant, in flower, can reach 3 feet high. Disponible en Español.

  • Clematis


    Clematis are often referred to as the queen of the flowering vines. Learn about the varying types of clematis, growing tips, how to support the plant, pests, use in vases, and species that work best in Iowa.

  • Cole Crops

    Cole Crops

    "Cole crops" is the general term used to describe broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collards, kale, and kohlrabi. Learn about cole crop cultivars, planting, yields, care during the growing season, potential problems, and harvest and storage. Disponible en Español.