The PIDC provides soybean cyst nematode egg counts, information about thresholds, and rotation information. If you are looking for Hg-type testing, look into services from the University of Missouri SCN Diagnostics Lab and the University of Illinois Plant Clinic.
If your sample is from outside of Iowa, do not submit it without contacting us. We have strict limitations on soil movement.
Do not send payment with your sample. You will receive a statement from Iowa State University after you receive a diagnostic report from the PIDC.
Soybean Cyst Nematode egg count $30.00/$35.00 (in-state/out-of-state) Form: PIDC 32 Plant Nematode Sample Submission
Nematode Soil Samples
Soil samples should NOT be collected when the soil is wet or frozen.
Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) egg count
WHEN: In fall: after harvest and before the soil freezes. In spring: before planting, after the ground has thawed and drained. During growing season: from near stunted and/or yellow soybeans.
HOW: Collect a soil core or 1/4 cup of soil (a subsample) from ten to twenty different locations within an area no larger than 10 to 20 acres using a soil sampling probe, hand trowel, or shovel. Define the sampling areas within a field by agronomic, cropping history, or other logical features (see figure) or divide the field to be sampled into evenly sized areas if conditions are similar throughout the field. Take care not to sample only from “hot spots” or areas of severely damaged plants. Collect soil from the top 8 inches directly in the root zone (if in season and soybeans are being grown).
Combine all of the subsamples in a bucket and mix the soil thoroughly. From the mixed soil sample, place approximately 1 to 2 cups of soil into a plastic bag or paper soil test bag.
Nematode soil sampling patterns for crop fields with unique features.
- Place each soil sample in a separate, sealed plastic or paper soil sample bag.
- If roots are being collected, place them in a separate plastic bag.
- Use a permanent marker to label each bag with the grower’s name and either a field name or sample number that corresponds to the information on the front of this form.
- Protect the samples from temperatures above 80 degrees.
- Do not be physically rough with the samples (by dropping or throwing them into a box or cooler, for example).
- Deliver or send the samples for processing as quickly as possible; avoid shipping samples on Thursdays and Fridays so that samples do not sit in delivery trucks over the weekend.