Landscape Plants for Dry Soil Conditions

Many plants grown in the home landscape require consistent moisture throughout the growing season.   However, there are a few annuals, perennials, shrubs, and trees that perform well in dry weather or dry soil conditions.

All of these drought-tolerant plants will require water initially to establish a good root system. Once established, however, they require little watering and will make it through the driest of years with little damage.

Below is information about the many drought-tolerant plants that would grow well in an Iowa garden.

Plants for Dry Soil Conditions

dry trees
Trees for Dry Soil Conditions
dry shrubs
Shrubs for Dry Soil Conditions
dry perennials
Perennials for Dry Soil Conditions
dry annuals
Annuals for Dry Soil Conditions


Other Resources

Related Information

Learn more about landscape plants that tolerate other difficult locations in the garden in this article: Landscape Plants for Difficult Sites.

Last reviewed:
July 2023