There are over 200 species of Iris. Most irises grow from thick, underground stems or rhizomes. A few species are bulbous. An iris flower typically consists of 6 segments. The 3 inner segments, which are generally upright, are referred to as standards. The drooping, outer 3 segments are known as falls.
Bearded irises are one of the most popular and widely grown perennials in the home landscape. Though not as widely grown, several other types or species of iris are also attractive additions to the perennial garden. By selecting and planting several different iris species, gardeners can enjoy blooming irises from April through July.
The colorful, orchid-like flowers of bearded irises are indeed spectacular. However, don't forget some of the other attractive iris species when selecting perennials for the home landscape.
Bearded Iris | Siberian Iris | Japanese Iris | Crested Iris | Sweet Iris | Louisiana Iris | More Information
Bearded Iris
The common name comes from the fuzzy growth or "beard" which runs down the center of each fall. Bearded irises are commonly classified into six groups:
- miniature dwarf (height 8 inches or less),
- standard dwarf (height 8 to 16 inches),
- intermediate (height 16 to 27½ inches),
- border (height 16 to 27½ inches, blooms with the tall bearded irises),
- miniature tall (height 16 to 27½ inches, small flowers), and
- tall (more than 27½ inches tall).
Bearded irises are available in a wide range of colors, including white, yellow, orange, pink, wine-red, blue, and purple. The flowers of many cultivars possess various combinations or blends of these colors. Bearded irises bloom in early to late spring. The dwarf bearded forms are the first to bloom, usually mid-April to early May. The last of the bearded irises to bloom are the tall bearded cultivars. They usually bloom from mid-May to mid-June. Leaves are strap-like with a point and grow in fan-shaped clumps. Gardeners can choose from several thousand named cultivars.
Bearded irises perform best in well-drained soils in full sun. The planting site should receive at least 6 hours of direct sun each day. In poorly drained soils, plant bearded irises in raised beds as they do not tolerate soggy or wet soils. They are excellent plants for perennial beds and borders. Bearded irises are hardy in USDA Hardiness Zones 3 to 10.
While bearded irises are widely grown, they are not trouble-free. Bearded irises often become overcrowded within a few years, resulting in fewer flowers. Clumps should be divided every 3 to 5 years. Several pests are problems on bearded irises. The most destructive pest is the iris borer. The iris borer larva tunnels into and devours much of the rhizome. Bacterial soft rot often attacks the borer-damaged rhizome turning it into foul-smelling mush. Various leaf spots can disfigure the foliage.
Siberian Iris
The beardless flowers of the Siberian iris (Iris sibirica) are smaller and more delicate than those of the bearded iris. They are available in shades of blue, purple, wine-red, pink, white, and yellow. Siberian irises bloom in late May or June.
The foliage of Siberian irises is narrow, upright, and grass-like in appearance. The green foliage often turns to an attractive yellow or orange-brown in fall. Cultivars range in height from 12 to 40 inches.
Siberian irises perform best in moist, well-drained, fertile soils. They do well in partial to full sun. Siberian irises (USDA Hardiness Zones 3 to 9) are excellent plants for the perennial border and bog gardens as they tolerate "wet feet" well.
In comparison to bearded irises, Siberian irises have fewer insect and disease problems. Also, Siberian irises don't require division as often as bearded irises. Divide Siberian irises when the centers of the clumps die.
Japanese Iris
The Japanese iris (Iris ensata) produces large, flat flowers which may be up to 10 inches across. The flower consists of 3 very large, nearly horizontal falls and 3 short, spreading standards. Flower colors include white, blue, purple, reddish-purple, and lavender-pink. The flowers are often marbled or speckled with a contrasting color. Japanese irises bloom in early to mid-summer (late June or July). The flowers are borne atop 30- to 36-inch-tall flower stalks. The leaves of Japanese iris are dark green, sword-shaped, and about 2 feet long.
Japanese irises require moist, organic-rich, acid soils. However, many garden soils in Iowa are alkaline. Gardeners with alkaline soils should incorporate large amounts of sphagnum peat moss into the soil before planting. Sphagnum peat moss lowers the soil pH and also adds organic matter. Japanese irises perform well in full sun to partial shade. They are excellent plants for moist soils near streams and ponds.
Japanese irises, hardy in USDA Hardiness Zones 4 to 9, don't have any serious pest problems. Plants can be left undisturbed for many years.
Crested Iris
A native of the eastern United States, crested iris (Iris cristata) produces 4- to 6-inch-long leaves from woody, spindle-shaped rhizomes. Flowers are pale blue to violet with white or yellow crests on their falls. Plants bloom in early to mid-spring.
Crested iris performs best in well-drained soils in partial shade. It is hardy in USDA Hardiness Zones 3 to 9. Because of its small size, crested iris should be grown in the front of perennial beds and borders. It can also be grown as a groundcover in partial shade.
Sweet Iris
Sweet iris (Iris pallida) produces gray-green, sword-shaped leaves and fragrant, bearded, bluish-purple flowers. The flowers appear in late spring. Sweet iris grows 2 to 3 feet tall.
'Variegata' has creamy yellow and green-striped foliage and pale blue flowers. The attractive, variegated foliage provides visual interest throughout the growing season.
Sweet iris grows best in well-drained soils in full sun. It is hardy in USDA Hardiness Zones 4 to 8.
Louisiana Iris
The Louisiana iris is the collective name for 5 species of iris which are indigenous to Louisiana and boggy coastal areas from Florida to Texas. They are valued for their colorful white, blue, red, and yellow flowers.
The Louisiana irises grown in gardens today are hybrids of the native Louisiana irises. Over 500 cultivars are available. These hybrids vary in size, height, color, and flower form. Some cultivars have upright standards and flaring falls like bearded irises, while the flowers of others resemble Japanese irises. The flowers on a few cultivars have ruffled or lacy edges. Several have "double" flowers. Flower size varies from 4 to 7 inches. The bloom period is June or July.
While the Louisiana irises are native to the Gulf Coast states, they are remarkably hardy. They can be successfully grown in USDA Hardiness Zones 4 to 9.
Louisiana irises prefer moist, neutral to acid soils in full sun to part shade. Protected sites are best. During dry weather, water plants weekly. To help insure winter survival, apply several inches of straw around plants in November. Louisiana irises are excellent plants for water or bog gardens.