Trees, shrubs, roses, and perennials are all available bare root. Bare root plants have no soil around their roots. They are dug by the nursery in late fall or early spring (plants dug in fall are over-wintered in coolers) and are often sold by mail-order retailers.
Bare root plants are shipped in the early spring and are usually delivered to your door at the appropriate time of the year based on your location and USDA Hardiness Zone. Bare root trees, shrubs, roses, and perennials must be planted in spring before growth begins.
Advantages & Disadvantages | Before Planting Care | Trees | Shrubs & Roses | Perennials | After Planting Care | FAQs | More Information

Advantages and Disadvantages
Bare root plants are the most economical type of nursery stock. They work well when purchasing large quantities of plants, such as for planting a windbreak. Because they are easily shipped, they are a good way to purchase unique or hard-to-find plants from specialty mail-order nurseries.
However bare root plants have a small window of time between when they are shipped and when they must be planted. Bare root plants should be planted before they start to leaf out and grow. Bare root trees and shrubs are often much smaller than container-grown or balled and burlapped plants.
Care Before Planting
Open and inspect bare root plants as soon as they arrive. They should be in good condition with firm, heavy roots that are not dry or brittle. The packing material around the roots (usually coarse sphagnum moss) should be damp, not dripping wet or completely dry. Buds and growing points should be green and firm. There should be no obvious signs of mold or freezing damage. Plants should not have mushy roots, foul odors, or many broken stems or roots.
Plant bare root trees, shrubs, and perennials as soon as possible after receiving them. If planting has to be delayed, store them in a cool, non-freezing location at around 40°F, such as a refrigerator, unheated garage, or root cellar. Keep the packing material around the roots and ensure it is damp but not wet. The packing material should feel like a wrung out sponge. While in storage, moisten packing materials as needed. Do not let any part of the bare root plant dry out, especially the root system.
Planting Bare Root Trees
Find step-by-step instructions on planting and caring for bare root trees in this article: How to Plant Bare Root Trees.

Planting Bare Root Shrubs and Roses
Instructions for planting bare root shrubs and roses can be found in this article: How to Plant Bare Root Shrubs and Roses.
Planting Bare Root Perennials
Discover how to successfully plant bare root perennials in this article: How to Plant Bare Root Perennials.

Care After Planting
Water plants as needed throughout the first growing season until fully established. Check plants once or twice a week and water when the soil around the roots is dry. Reduce watering frequency as plants become more established later in the growing season. Supplemental water may be needed in the second and third growing seasons if conditions are dry.
Mound the soil into a ring around the plant's root zone to make watering easier. The ring allows water to stay in place and soak in around the rooting zone rather than running off while watering.
Place mulch around the base of the plant to help conserve soil moisture and reduce competition from weeds.
Wait at least four weeks before fertilizing. The young roots are easily damaged by too much fertilizer.
Bare root trees will likely need to be staked for the first year. Place stakes in undisturbed soil, not in the planting hole, so they stay firmly in the soil to support the tree. Remove all staking materials the following spring, if not sooner.
- What is the proper way to plant a bare-root tree?
- When should bare-root trees be planted?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of bare-root trees and shrubs?
More Information
- How to Plant Bare Root Trees
- Planting Bare Root Hybrid Tea Roses (video)
- How to Plant Perennials
- How to Plant a Bare Root Tree (video)
- Tree Planting Basics
- Planting Trees in the Landscape
- Care of Newly-Planted Trees
- How to Determine Plant Quantity for Planting Beds
- How to Determine the Amount of Mulch Needed for a Garden Bed
Photo credits: 1: Aaron Steil; 2: Paul Maguire/AdobeStock; 3: maryviolet/AdobeStock