Beets are often an overlooked, unappreciated vegetable. Yet, they are a nutritious and versatile vegetable. All parts of the beet plant are edible. The tops or greens can be cooked and enjoyed, like spinach or turnip greens. But it is the root that we prefer.
While the bulbous roots are most often dark red, they can also be yellow, white, and striped like a candy cane. Don't let the color fool you -the white ones are as sweet and tasty as the red ones! Root shape can vary as well. They can be round, flat, or cylindrical.
Growing Conditions | Planting | Care | Harvest & Storage | Recommended Cultivars | More Information
Growing Conditions
Beets perform best in loose, well-drained soils in sunny locations. Heavy clay and/or poorly drained soils should be amended with large quantities of compost, well-rotted manure, or other forms of organic matter.
Gardeners can begin sowing beet seeds in early to mid-April. Successive sowings every 2-3 weeks ensure a continued harvest into fall. The last practical planting date for a fall crop is mid-July. Plant seeds 1/2 inch deep. Rows should be spaced 1 to 1 1/2 feet apart.
Poor germination is a common problem with beets. This typically happens in dry soils where an impenetrable crust has formed on the soil surface. A light layer of mulch, applied after sowing, will prevent washing during rainy periods and prevent crusting of the soil during dry periods. Periodic watering during dry periods should also promote germination.
Overcrowded seedlings are another common problem when growing beets. Seedlings should be thinned to 3 to 4 inches apart to ensure good root development. Each "seed" that is sown is actually a fruit that contains several seeds. So, even if you sow the "seeds" properly, you may still have to thin the seedlings. When thinning, remove the smaller, weaker seedlings and leave the more vigorous ones. Remember, you can use the thinned plants as greens.
Weeding and weekly watering during dry weather are the only necessary maintenance chores after thinning the beets. Little or no fertilizer is needed in fertile soils.

Harvest and Storage
Leaves can be snipped from the plant once the root is 1 inch in diameter. Up to 1/3 of the beet foliage can be harvested for greens without harming the root. Use a scissors and harvest leaves when they reach 6 to 8 inches long. Keep greens cool until eaten.
Beets may be harvested when the roots are 1 inch in diameter. However, the main crop usually isn't harvested until the roots are 1 1/2 to 3 inches in diameter. (Beets larger than 3 inches in diameter are often tough and fibrous.) Beets require approximately 50 to 70 days from planting until harvest.
After harvest, trim the foliage to within 1/2 to 1 inch of the roots. Beets can be used fresh or they can be frozen, canned, or pickled. They are also suitable for long-term storage. Store them for up to 3 to 4 months in a cool (32˚F to 35˚F), humid location.
Recommended Cultivars
Below is a list of several popular cultivars or types of beets available. Seed can be purchased at your local garden center or through mail-order catalogs. And remember, for nutrition and versatility - very few vegetables can beat the beet!
Cultivar | Days | Color | Shape | Comments |
Blankoma | 55 | White | Rounded | Large roots stay tender |
Bull's Blood | 40 | Dark red | Rounded | Heirloom; burgundy/red tops; best harvested young |
Burpee's Golden (Golden Globe) | 55 | Yellow | Rounded | Heirloom; often germinates poorly |
Chioggia | 55 | Red/white stripe | Rounded | Heirloom |
Cylindra | 60 | Dark red | Cylindrical | Uniform size slices; best harvested young |
Detroit Dark Red | 60 | Dark red | Rounded | Commonly available |
Egyptian Flat | 50 | Dark red | Flattened | Best when small |
Lutz Green Leaf | 80 | Dark red | Tapered | Good winter storage |
Red Ace | 55 | Dark red | Rounded | Commonly available |
Red Cloud | 60 | Dark red | Rounded | High sugar content |
Ruby Queen | 55 | Dark red | Rounded | Popular for canning; AAS winner |
More Information
- Growing Leafy Greens in Iowa
- Vegetable Harvest Guide
- Vegetable Planting and Harvesting Times
- Planting and Harvesting Times for Garden Vegetables (publication)
- Suggested Vegetable Varieties for the Home Garden (publication)
- Crop Rotation in the Vegetable Garden
Photo credits: Cindy Haynes