Bigleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla) is frequently sold in garden centers and floral shops during winter and early spring and features large ball-shaped clusters of blue or pink flowers. Place hydrangeas in bright, indirect light…
Bigleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla) is frequently sold in garden centers and floral shops during winter and early spring and features large ball-shaped clusters of blue or pink flowers. Place hydrangeas in bright, indirect light…
Amaryllis bulbs coated in…
Gerber daisy is frequently sold in florist shops and garden centers during the spring and fall. Plants prefer cooler temperatures. Place in bright, indirect or direct light indoors. Soil should be moist but well-drained. …
Kalanchoe grows well in bright indoor locations. Keep at moderate temperatures (45-65 °F at night and 50-70 °F during the day). Keeping plants on the cool side will help prolong flower life. Allow the soil to dry between…
Miniature roses need direct sun. In the home, place the miniature rose in a south or west-facing window. Rotate plants once or twice a week to promote even growth.
Mealybugs on houseplants are difficult to control. Unless the plant is particularly valuable, it’s often best to throw away the infested plant before the insects spread to other houseplants. The standard remedies for houseplant pests…
Spider mites are a common pest of houseplants. Spider mites use piercing-sucking mouthparts to puncture the plant tissue and feed on the liquid within the cells. In light infestations, the foliage appears to be speckled with very tiny…
Whiteflies are common insect pests of hibiscus, poinsettia, chrysanthemum, and a number of other indoor plants. They are most often noticed when watering or handling a plant. When disturbed, whiteflies flutter about the plant for a…
Jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum) seeds can be sown directly outdoors or started indoors. Harvest the cluster of berries as soon as they turn red in late summer. Each berry usually contains 4 to 6 seeds. Remove…
Some orchids bloom annually, others will bloom continuously. Providing all the proper environmental conditions (light, temperature, water, fertilizer, etc.) will allow for the orchid to bloom well.
There are many factors that…
Harvest herbs indoors as you would if grown outdoors. Most do well with periodic snipping as they are needed in the kitchen. Leafy annual herbs, like basil, chervil, and parsley, can be cut back severely when harvested. Using a sharp knife or…
Careful observation of your seedlings will help you determine if the light levels are appropriate. Seedlings that are not receiving enough light will stretch and lean towards the light source. Use a brighter fixture that provides more…
Common or edible figs (Ficus carica) are not reliably cold hardy in Iowa. The stems of ‘Chicago Hardy’ (considered one of the hardiest edible fig cultivars) are hardy to 10 degrees Fahrenheit and the plant’s roots are hardy to 15 to 20…
Narrow and broadleaf evergreens lose considerable amounts of moisture through their leaves or needles, buds, and stems during the winter months. The loss of water is mainly due to strong winds and sun. Once the ground freezes, however…
Trailing types of philodendron propagate easily from stem cuttings. Stem sections 3 to 6 inches long with the lower leaves removed will readily root in water or rooting media, like perlite or well-drained potting soil. If rooting in…
Supplemental lights need to oriented relatively close to the seedlings to be effective and therefore need to be adjustable in height to accommodate the growing plants. For most fluorescent fixtures, the seedlings should be 4 to 6 inches…
The cineraria (Pericallis x hybrida) is a flowering plant typically sold at floral shops and other retailers from mid-winter to early spring. Plants produce clusters of 1- to 3-inch-diameter, daisy-like flowers. They…
The gloxinia (Sinningia speciosa) is a flowering houseplant related to the African violet. Plants produce large, velvety, bell-shaped flowers that may be white, pink, red, purple, or blue. Gloxinias are commonly sold at…
Forcing can be done as soon as the buds start to swell. Forsythia and pussywillow can be forced as early as February. It's best to wait until March for more difficult-to-force ornamentals, such as crabapples, magnolias, and redbuds.…
Remove the seed from the center of the fruit and wash it in water. For propagation purposes, the broad end of the seed is the bottom. The pointed end is the top. Insert 3 or 4 toothpicks into the sides of the seed. They…
The Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula), pitcher plant, and sundew are carnivorous plants that are occasionally grown as houseplants. Carnivorous plants don’t survive solely by “eating” insects and other prey. Carnivorous…
African violets need the proper amount of light to grow and bloom well. Plants that receive insufficient levels of light have thin, blue-green leaves with long petioles. They also don’t bloom well. Plants that receive too much…
Fruit trees should be pruned on an annual basis. Annual pruning of young (non-bearing) fruit trees develops a strong framework and desirable tree shape. Annual pruning of bearing trees maintains tree vigor, maximizes fruit yields, and…
In general, houseplants require less frequent watering during the winter months than in spring and summer. Watering frequency depends upon the plant species, the composition of the potting mix, environmental conditions (temperature, light,…
Spring and summer and the best times to fertilize houseplants. Fertilizers are available in liquid, crystalline, granular, spike, and tablet forms. Utilize fertilizers specifically formulated for houseplants or use general…
The jade plant and other succulents should not be watered as often as most other houseplants. When watering succulents, continue to apply water until water begins to flow out the drainage holes in the bottom of the container. Discard…
Trees utilize sugars and other carbohydrates manufactured by the foliage for plant growth. Therefore, avoid the temptation to severely prune newly planted trees. Severe pruning reduces the tree’s ability to manufacture food and…
While most shrub or landscape roses are winter-hardy in Iowa, there is still typically some branch die-back over winter. Gardeners should prune out the dead wood just as the new buds are turning green and breaking in spring - typically…
While rex begonias and many other houseplants prefer high relative humidities, misting is ineffective unless you’re prepared to mist the plants several times a day. Also, rex begonias are not fond of water on their foliage.
Apple trees don’t come true from seed. Grafting is the best way to propagate an apple tree. Grafted apple trees produce fruit that are identical to their parent.
Grafting is the joining together of two plant parts (scion…