Which is more productive, bush or pole green beans?Answer:
In general, pole beans are more productive than bush beans simply because they are larger plants. A 10-foot row of bush beans spaced 2 inches apart can be expected to produce between 4 and 5 pounds of green beans, depending on the cultivar and growing conditions. Under the same conditions, a 10-foot row of pole beans spaced 4 inches apart (gardeners typically space pole beans wider than bush) can be expected to produce approximately 8 pounds of green beans, depending on variety. Planting pole beans seems like an obvious choice since you can sow less seed and get more green beans. But bush beans have the great advantage of not requiring a trellis, teepee, or other form of support to be built, reducing material costs, labor and time spent in the garden.
Learn more in this article: Growing Green Beans
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