What do I do with the aerial roots of a philodendron?


What do I do with the aerial roots of a philodendron?


Aerial Roots on Philodendron
Many philodendron produce aerial roots.

Most philodendron species will produce aerial roots which allows them to successfully grow on or up other trees in their native habitats.  In the home, these roots can help trailing types climb a trellis or moss pole or help the plant support itself.  

If aerial roots form, you can do nothing and enjoy their unique appearance.  They can also be adjusted to help the plant climb or placed in the soil to root-in and help support the plant.  If you don’t like their appearance, they can be pruned off with a sharp pruners near the main stem.  Removing aerial roots will not harm the plant.

Answered by
  • Specialist
  • Consumer Horticulture Extension
Last updated on
September 5, 2024