Is it possible to grow cannas from seed?Answer:
Cannas are normally grown from rhizomes. However, it is possible to grow cannas from seeds. Canna seeds have hard seedcoats. Prior to sowing, soak the seeds in water for 24 hours. Sow the seeds in a commercial germination medium, such as Jiffy Mix. After sowing, lightly cover the seeds, then water the medium. Allow the medium to drain for a few minutes. Afterwards, cover the container with clear plastic wrap and place it in a warm location. The temperature of the medium should be maintained at 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Germination should occur in 7 to 14 days. When the seeds germinate, remove the plastic wrap and place the seedlings in a sunny window or under fluorescent lights. When the canna seedlings are large enough to handle, transplant them into individual containers. Plant the cannas outdoors when the danger of frost is past in spring.
Learn more about cannas in this publication: Cannas for Home Landscapes.