How can I avoid drift problems when applying a broadleaf herbicide to my lawn?


How can I avoid drift problems when applying a broadleaf herbicide to my lawn?


Before applying any herbicide, carefully read and follow label directions.  When applying liquid formulations, potential spray drift problems can be avoided by following simple precautions.   Don’t spray when winds exceed 5 mph.  Also, don’t spray when temperatures are forecast to exceed 85 degrees Fahrenheit within 24 hours of the application.  Since coarse droplets are less likely to drift than fine sprays, select nozzles that produce coarse droplets and use low sprayer pressure when applying liquid broadleaf herbicides.  When spraying, place the nozzle close to the ground.  If only a few areas in the lawn have broadleaf weed problems, spot treat these areas rather than spraying the entire lawn.  Apply just enough material to wet the leaf surfaces.  

Last updated on
March 4, 2022