Most houseplants, including the schefflera, experience stress when moved from one location to another. Environmental conditions in the average home are dramatically different (less favorable) than those in a greenhouse. The less…
Most houseplants, including the schefflera, experience stress when moved from one location to another. Environmental conditions in the average home are dramatically different (less favorable) than those in a greenhouse. The less…
Yes. Philodendrons and closely related species contain calcium oxalate crystals which are toxic to humans, dogs, cats, and other animals. When any part of the plant is eaten, it may cause pain and swelling in the lips, mouth, tongue,…
While it is not recommended that you save waxed bulbs, you can potentially get them to rebloom with diligent care. Once the last flower stalk has faded, leaves will begin to slowly emerge. Carefully remove the wax from the outside of…
Flower and vegetable plants purchased from greenhouses or started indoors should not be planted directly into the garden. The intense sun and strong winds may damage or kill the tender seedlings. Bedding plants should be "hardened" (…
Paperwhite narcissus bulbs should be discarded after flowering. Paperwhites cannot be successfully forced again and are not winter hardy outdoors.
Learn more about growing paperwhites in this article:…
Houseplants have received much attention as options for improving indoor air quality. In 1989, scientists from NASA discovered that plants could remove VOCs (volatile organic…
Most seeds germinate best when the medium temperature is consistently 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Placing containers in a warm location in the house, such as on top of a radiator or near a heat register, usually works fine. In cool…
Cleaning houseplants improves their appearance, stimulates growth, and may help control insects and mites. Large-leaved plants may be cleaned with a mild dishwashing soap solution (add a few drops of dishwashing soap to lukewarm water) and…
Occasionally a florist or garden center will have vibrant blue moth orchids (Phalaenopsis) for sale. Blue is not a color that naturally occurs in orchids. These orchids are typically white flowers dyed to achieve this unique…
Spider mites are tiny (about 1/50 inch long when mature). As a result, they are difficult to see with the naked eye. A convenient detection technique is to hold a sheet of white paper under a stem and then shake or tap the stem…
Gather the fruit (capsules) of the buckeyes as soon as they fall to the ground. Dry the fruit for 1 or 2 days at room temperature until the capsules split, then remove the shiny, brown seeds.
The seeds of buckeyes and many…
Christmas cacti are easy to propagate. Remove sections of the plant consisting of 2 to 5 flattened stem segments. Cut or pinch off each section at a joint. Allow the cut/pinched ends of the cuttings to callus overnight. …
The common rubber tree (Ficus elastica) can be propagated by air layering. Air layering is a procedure used to induce roots to form on a plant stem while it is still attached to the parent plant. Complete or partial girdling…
African violets are easily propagated by leaf cuttings. Select a firm, healthy leaf and cut it off with a sharp knife. Leave 1 to 1½ inches of the leaf stem (petiole) attached to the leaf blade. Fill a pot with a moistened 50:50…
An English ivy (Hedera helix) can be propagated by stem cuttings. Using a sharp knife, cut off 4- to 5-inch-long shoots. Pinch off the leaves on the bottom portion of the cuttings. Dip the cut ends in a rooting hormone…
Many houseplants prefer a relative humidity of 40 to 50 percent. Unfortunately, the humidity level in many homes during the winter months may be only 10 to 20 percent. Humidifiers are an excellent way to increase the relative humidity…
The Norfolk Island pine (Araucaria heterophylla) is a popular houseplant. During the holiday season, many individuals turn their plants into living Christmas trees by decorating them with miniature lights, ribbons, and ornaments.…
Philodendrons are native to the low-light understory of tropical forests, primarily in Central and South America. Because of this, they prefer indirect or dappled light. Some varieties, like heartleaf philodendron (Philodendron…
Place calceolaria in a brightly lit, cool location. The location should receive bright light, but not direct sunlight. Ideal temperatures are 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Check the potting soil daily. When the surface of…
The ponytail palm or elephant-foot tree (Beaucarnea recurvata) is an easy to grow, low maintenance houseplant. Plant characteristics include a swollen, bulb-like base and long, strap-like leaves which arch out from the stem…
Place gardenia in a brightly lit, cool location. The location should receive bright light, but not direct sunlight. Ideal temperatures are 55 to 65°F during the night and 65 to 75°F during the day. Check the potting soil…
Bigleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla) is frequently sold in garden centers and floral shops during winter and early spring and features large ball-shaped clusters of blue or pink flowers. Place hydrangeas in bright, indirect light…
Amaryllis bulbs coated in…
Gerber daisy is frequently sold in florist shops and garden centers during the spring and fall. Plants prefer cooler temperatures. Place in bright, indirect or direct light indoors. Soil should be moist but well-drained. …
Kalanchoe grows well in bright indoor locations. Keep at moderate temperatures (45-65 °F at night and 50-70 °F during the day). Keeping plants on the cool side will help prolong flower life. Allow the soil to dry between…
Miniature roses need direct sun. In the home, place the miniature rose in a south or west-facing window. Rotate plants once or twice a week to promote even growth.
Mealybugs on houseplants are difficult to control. Unless the plant is particularly valuable, it’s often best to throw away the infested plant before the insects spread to other houseplants. The standard remedies for houseplant pests…
Spider mites are a common pest of houseplants. Spider mites use piercing-sucking mouthparts to puncture the plant tissue and feed on the liquid within the cells. In light infestations, the foliage appears to be speckled with very tiny…
Whiteflies are common insect pests of hibiscus, poinsettia, chrysanthemum, and a number of other indoor plants. They are most often noticed when watering or handling a plant. When disturbed, whiteflies flutter about the plant for a…
Jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum) seeds can be sown directly outdoors or started indoors. Harvest the cluster of berries as soon as they turn red in late summer. Each berry usually contains 4 to 6 seeds. Remove…