Can Trees and Shrubs Recover from Spring Freeze Damage?


A hard freeze in early spring damaged the newly emerged growth on several trees and shrubs. Will the plants recover?


Newly emerged tree and shrub foliage is susceptible to damage from below freezing temperatures. The new growth on many trees and shrubs can tolerate temperatures in the low 30s and upper 20s. Freeze damage is most likely when temperatures drop into the middle 20s or below. Symptoms of freeze damage include shriveling and browning or blackening of damaged tissue. Damaged growth usually becomes limp. Eventually, damaged or destroyed leaves drop from the tree or shrub. 

Fortunately, trees and shrubs have the ability to leaf out again if the initial growth is damaged or destroyed. Damaged trees and shrubs have only suffered a temporary setback. Healthy, well established trees and shrubs will produce additional growth within a few weeks. Good care during the remainder of the year, such as watering during dry periods, should aid the recovery of trees and shrubs planted within the past two or three years.

Last updated on
August 26, 2024