Can I plant tulip bulbs in November or should I wait for Spring?


It's November and I still haven't gotten my tulip bulbs planted. Should I plant them now or wait until spring?


Plant the tulip bulbs as soon as possible.  Tulips and other spring-flowering bulbs can be planted as late as December if the soil isn’t frozen.  After planting, cover the area with several inches of straw, pine needles, or leaves.  Mulching will give the bulbs additional time to root before the ground freezes. 
Another option would be to pot up the tulip bulbs and force them indoors.  After planting, the potted bulbs need to be exposed to temperatures of 40 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit for 12 to 16 weeks.  Possible locations with suitable temperatures include a refrigerator, cellar, or unheated basement.  Remove the potted tulip bulbs from their storage area after the cold requirement has been met.  Place the potted bulbs in a brightly lit, 60 to 65 degree Fahrenheit location and enjoy the tulips indoors. 

Tulips and other spring-flowering bulbs can be stored for several weeks.  However, long term storage of spring-flowering bulbs is difficult.  Unplanted tulip bulbs are likely to be dead by early spring. 

Learn more about tulips in this article: All About Tulips

Last updated on
December 3, 2024