AAS Winners are Great Plants for Your Garden

All-America Selections is an independent non-profit trialing organization established in 1932 and still going strong 92 years later! AAS trial sites and display gardens are spread across the US and Canada, including nine gardens in Iowa. Reiman Gardens is proud to be both a trial site for multiple categories and a display garden highlighting recent winners. Check out the AAS website for trial and display sites, winners, blogs, and so much more! 

Salvia coccinea 'Summer Jewel™' series
Snapdragons in trials at Reiman Gardens.

Be sure to visit Reiman Gardens this summer to see what's in trials this year! You'll see new breeding work in tomatoes, zinnias, cosmos, and SO MUCH MORE! Make your own evaluations and see if your favorites are announced as winners for 2025!

One of the newest changes to the All-America Selections trialing process is how we evaluate entries in a series. The overarching question judges apply to entries is “Is this plant BETTER than the comparisons?” Frequently, the entry would be trialed against a sister in the series, which should be just as good but in a different color. We felt that a lot of excellent plants were not designated winners because of that distinction. Now, if an entry has an AAS Winner in the series, we have a slightly different evaluation set to make sure that good genetics are recognized with AAS Winner awards of their own! Come check out one such trial this summer: Anthurium majus 'DoubleShot Orange Bicolor' snapdragon has a yellow/red bicolor sister in trials right now! While you wait for the results of this trial, here are a couple other series with multiple AAS Winners! 

Salvia coccinea 'Summer Jewel™' series: Everyone loves Salvia, but you might not be as familiar with this species. Texas sage boasts small, fragrant foliage and attractive flower spikes that draw in humans and pollinators alike. The Summer Jewel series has multiple AAS award-winning colors, including red, white, pink, and lavender. Checking in at up to 16” tall, Summer Jewel can be tucked in all over the garden and true to its common name, they shine in mid-summer heat and drought. 

Zinnia hybrida 'Profusion' series: Profusion zinnia has 10 different color options in single form (as well as 7 in double flowering form) and 7 of those are AAS Winners, including one Gold Medal Winner for 'Profusion Red Yellow Bicolor'. Now that's a pedigree! Profusion zinnias grow 24” wide by 18” tall, perfect for just about any garden space or planter. Seeds are available in single colors or several mix options if you can't choose just one!  

Solanum lycopersicum 'Chef's Choice' series: Award winning breeding work isn't just happening in flowers! Chef's Choice tomatoes come in a rainbow of colors and boast an heirloom flavor combined with a modern disease-resistance package. Chef's Choice tomatoes range from 8 oz all the way up to a pound each, perfect for slicing, processing, and enjoying all summer long!

 Salvia coccinea ‘Summer Jewel™’ series
Salvia coccinea 'Summer Jewel™' series
Zinnia hybrida ‘Profusion’ series
Zinnia hybrida 'Profusion' series
Solanum lycopersicum ‘Chef’s Choice’ series
Solanum lycopersicum 'Chef's Choice' series

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