All-America Selections is an independent non-profit trialing organization established in 1932 and still going strong 92 years later! AAS trial sites and display gardens are spread across the US and Canada, including nine gardens in Iowa. Reiman Gardens is proud to be both a trial site for multiple categories and a display garden highlighting recent winners. Check out the All-America Selections website for trial and display sites, winners, blogs, and so much more!
Be sure to visit Reiman Gardens this summer to see what's in trials this year! You'll see new breeding work in tomatoes, zinnias, and cosmos, but you might also fall in love again with some of the new entries in salpiglossis! Make your own evaluations and see if your favorites are announced as winners for 2025!
By the time this hits your inbox, Reiman Gardens will have most of the AAS trial plants (and recent winners) in the ground! We look forward to collecting data, harvesting produce, and sharing our observations with visitors! See you this summer!
Capsicum annuum 'Dragonfly': This bell pepper matures from green to purple (and eventually to red) with excellent flavor and texture at any harvest stage. Plants stay relatively compact and could be suited for a larger container on a patio or porch. Give 'Dragonfly' a try in your garden and on your dinner table or snack platter!
Solanum lycopersicum 'Crokini': 'Crokini' tomato was awarded a regional winner in the southeast, thanks to its resistance to Late Blight, but it will have a special place in AAS trials this summer as a comparison for several new cherry tomatoes vying for an award. 'Crokini' has a very sweet taste, which is popular with kiddos and snackers alike; the plants produce 10-12 fruits per cluster, so you can pop out for a sweet treat multiple times a day!
Solanum tuberosum 'Clancy': We like to plant AAS Winners in many of our display spaces at Reiman Gardens, so stroll down to our edible garden this year to see 'Clancy', a potato we grew from seed! 'Clancy' produces small (4-5” round) red potatoes that are perfect roasted or smashed! After starting from seed, you treat this potato as you would others in your garden, mounding soil every few weeks until harvest.
Links to this article are strongly encouraged, and this article may be republished without further permission if published as written and if credit is given to the author, Yard and Garden, and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. If this article is to be used in any other manner, permission from the author is required. This article was originally published on May 17, 2024. The information contained within may not be the most current and accurate depending on when it is accessed.