First Round of AAS 2023 Winners Announced

Broccoli oleracea 'Purple Magic.' Photo by All-America Selections.

All-America Selections has been trialing edible and ornamental plants for over 90 years, presenting awards to entries that will impress home gardeners with their performance regionally or nationally. There have been plenty of exciting new winners that merit a place in your garden that will be highlighted in this series. 

AAS Winners are grown and planted at nearly 200 Display Gardens throughout the US and Canada, including nine gardens in Iowa. To see these winners and more, check out the AAS website and search under the Display Gardens tab. For a sneak peek at potential future winners, plan a visit to Reiman Gardens, an All-America Selections Trial Garden.

Impatiens hybrida 'SolarscapeⓇ XL Pink Jewel.' Photo by All-America Selections.

BREAKING NEWS!! YOU'RE SEEING IT HERE FIRST! All-America Selections has named its first round of winners from the 2023 trials. These winners were all grown and trialed at Reiman Gardens this summer; be sure to stop by next year to see these winners, as well as a sneak peek at what might be featured in this space next year!

Broccoli oleracea 'Purple Magic': If you're looking for something new and exciting, look no further than this broccoli! 'Purple Magic' produces attractive purple heads and stems. I found in trials that it would be better adapted to grow in cooler seasons, so make sure you start it early or plan on a late fall crop. If you grow it early, it may continue to produce smaller side shoots for a longer harvest. 

Impatiens hybrida 'SolarscapeⓇ XL Pink Jewel': Add a touch of tropical vibes to your yard next year! This interspecific impatiens puts on a show in sun or shade, bedding or container! Because it is an interspecfic impatiens, it shows excellent resistance to disease, including downy mildew. In our trials, we saw non-stop blooms from mid-summer until trials were removed in October. 

Celosia plumosa 'Burning Embers.' Photo by All-America Selections.

Celosia plumosa 'Burning Embers': This celosia had gorgeous color from foliage to flower all summer. The bronze leaves offset the pink blooms, making this a showstopper in the garden. Celosia makes a great cut flower for arranging, and with the addition of showy foliage, this makes a great bouquet or bedding plant! 

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