Consumer Horticulture News Releases

The following Yard & Garden News Releases from Iowa State University Extension & Outreach are available at the Extension website
Start Flower Tubers Indoors for Spring (2/8/17)
It’s time to think about spring flowers and start tubers such as tuberous begonia, caladium and dahlias indoors. It’s an excellent way to get plants growing even ahead of the final frost.

Propagate Plants with Hardwood Stem Cuttings (2/1/17)
There are several ways to propagate a tree or plant on a new landscape. While planting trees, shrubs or vines directly is one option, another is using hardwood stem cuttings to promote new growth with help from the previous growing season.

Examining Pollination in Apple Trees (1/25/17)
Soon it will be time for apple trees to bloom and bear delicious fruit for all to enjoy. But not all apple trees are fruitful. Learn more about the variation in pollination among apple trees.

Germinating and Growing Seedlings Indoors during Winter (1/18/17)
Now is a perfect time to get a jump start on spring by germinating and starting seedlings indoors, which later can be transplanted outside for optimal growth during warmer weather.

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