2016 Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic Annual Report

From January to December 2016, the PIDC clinic received 1420 samples see distribution in the chart below.

Distribution of Samples by Type

 Popular insects sent in this past year for identification included ticks, bed bugs, carpet beetles, and foreign grain beetles. 
We confirmed 12 samples of emerald ash borer and Iowa is now up to 39 infested counties.  As usual spruce were a very common sample as they suffer from several plant diseases and also from spruce spider mites, spruce bud scales, and pine needle scale.
This year we focused on implementing molecular detection tools for out clients. Our plant disease diagnosticians Lina Rodriguez Salamanca and Ed Zaworski both succeeded in implementing and offering to our client’s DNA-based diagnostic techniques for plant pathogens.  Lina implemented a PCR test for Ceratocystis fagacearum (the pathogen that causes oak wilt), and Ed used PCR to confirm a new disease of corn – bacterial leaf streak caused by  Xanthomonas vasicola pv. vasculorum.  The Plant & Insect Diagnostic Clinic (PIDC) processed samples for regulatory officials as part of a bacterial leaf streak survey in Iowa for the occurrence of this disease, and we were designated the Regional PCR Testing Laboratory for this disease for the North central region within the National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN, www.npdn.org).
PIDC diagnosticians collaborated on several publications including Iowa High Tunnel Fruit and Vegetable Production Manual, Pesticide Applicator Training manual, Midwest Vegetable Production Guide, and Midwest Fruit Pest Management Guide (all available at the extension store, extension.iastate.edu).
A mission of the PIDC is to promote accurate diagnostics as part of an integrated pest management program, to fulfill this mission we work with a wide range of commercial producers, professional and citizen groups.  We speak and/or offer workshops at the Iowa fruit and growers association (IFVGA) annual meeting, Shade Tree Short Course, Crop Scout School, Integrated Crop Management conference, Turfgrass field day, greenhouse vegetable production workshop, Tomato Production workshop, redefining Prison Environments program, Amish field day, master woodland manager. Next year the clinic will be in charge of the Morel Mushroom Identification workshop for certification. 
The PIDC had booths at (IFVGA) annual meeting, Fruit and Vegetable Field Day, Pollinator fest and Iowa Public Radio (IPR)-Hort day 30th anniversary, where our clients had the opportunity to meet face to face and ask questions. We also work with citizens through programs like Master Gardener.
PIDC staff co-instructed the class PLP 590, Extension Experience offered during the summer semester. PIDC staff gave guest lectures on IPM, insect and disease management for the Horticulture department classes HORT 471 and HORT 376 (Vegetable production and management and Field production of horticultural crops respectively).
If you would like more information about the PIDC, please visit our website (https://clinic.ipm.iastate.edu) or follow us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ISUPIDC).

Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic

Links to this article are strongly encouraged, and this article may be republished without further permission if published as written and if credit is given to the author, Yard and Garden, and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. If this article is to be used in any other manner, permission from the author is required. This article was originally published on December 9, 2016. The information contained within may not be the most current and accurate depending on when it is accessed.