Diminishing Hunger: International Master Gardener Conference

The biennial International Master Gardener Conference will be held at the Mid-America Center in Council Bluffs on Sept. 22–25.  The conference theme “Horticultural Horizons in the Heartland” will include a keynote presentation focused on accessing fresh produce and diminishing hunger through food gardening and programs such as the AmpleHarvest Campaign.

Master Gardeners Improve Access to Fresh Produce

Mills County Master Gardeners, in South-west Iowa, began Glenwood’s Giving Garden, a one-acre community garden located near Glenwood, Iowa. In 2014, over 7,600 pounds of food were harvested and donated to local food pantries.  This award-winning garden (photo below) will be highlighted during a tour that is part of the international conference.

The Woodbury County Master Gardeners, in Western Iowa connected with food pantries at 11 area churches and the Salvation Army with the Up From the Earth program. In 2014, over 7,000 pounds of food were collected and distributed.

To learn more about these programs or the Iowa Master Gardener program, contact Susan DeBlieck at 515-294-6764 or deblieck@iastate.edu.


Produce harvested by gardeners from Glenwood’s Growing Garden. Photo by Denise Fikes.Produce harvested by gardeners from Glenwood’s Growing Garden. Photo by Denise Fikes.

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