Welcome New Clinic Diagnostician

The ISU Plant & Insect Diagnostic Clinic is pleased to welcome our newest staff member, Ed Zaworski. Ed started in his position as a program specialist / diagnostician last month and will be investigating new diagnostic methods for crop and plant problems common in Iowa. He is also refining and cataloging clinic protocols and documentation in advance of our upcoming accreditation review by the National Plant Diagnostic Network. New technologies and processes and improved distribution of diagnostic information will allow us to better meet the specific diagnostic needs of producers, growers, professional service providers and homeowners, and to better serve Extension and Outreach clientele.

Ed grew up in Illinois and recently earned his master’s degree in Plant Pathology & Microbiology here at ISU. His research focus was on the interactions between fusarium root rot and soybean cyst nematode.

Please help us welcome Ed Zaworksi to the Diagnostic Clinic team.

Ed Zaworksi is the new program specialist in the Plant & Insect Diagnostic Clinic.

Ed Zaworksi is the new program specialist in the Plant & Insect Diagnostic Clinic.


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