Every year several ISU Research and Demonstration Farms host field days to showcase new and/or unusual vegetables and annual flowers. Each garden at the different locations is planted with the same types of plants in essentially the same layout. These replicated trials provide an opportunity to evaluate plants that perform well (or not) throughout Iowa. At the field days presenters discuss how the plants have been performing across the state and how to use the plants in the garden.
Because annual plants are the primary component of all the Home Demonstration Gardens, the plants change completely from year to year. The themes for this year's garden are: vegetables that can be stored or easily preserved, white pumpkins, a few annual ornamental grasses, and new or unusual flowers. Winter squash, bush beans, potatoes, onions, and pickling cucumbers are a few of the plants on display that store or preserve easily. A few of the annual ornamental grasses include 'Purple Baron' millet, 'Live Wire' or Fiber optic grass, 'Bunny Tails' grass, and a variegated corn called 'Tiger Cub'. Unusual rudbeckias, marigolds, zinnias, angelonia, osteospermum, and others round out the floral section of the garden.
Field Days
With 8 locations around the state, there is an Iowa State University Extension Home Demonstration Garden near you. So join us for a couple hours in the garden – it will be worth it!
Locations, dates, and times for the 2009 Iowa State University Extensions Home Demonstration Gardens are listed below or visit http://farms.ag.iastate.edu/field-days for more information.
Farm |
Town |
Date |
Time |
Lyon County Fair Grounds |
Rock Rapids |
July 14 |
6:00pm |
Muscatine Island Research Farm |
Fruitland |
August 4 |
6:00pm |
Northern Research Farm |
Kanawha |
August 5 |
6:30pm |
Horticulture Station |
Gilbert |
August 6 |
6:00pm |
Northeast Research Farm |
Nashua |
August 8 |
4:00pm |
McNay Research Farm |
Chariton |
August 10 |
6:00pm |
Armstrong Research Farm |
Lewis |
August 11 |
6:30pm |
Northwest Research Farm |
Sutherland |
August 12 |
6:00pm |
Queen Red Lime Zinnia has a unique color combination on double blooms.
Tiger Cub Corn is an outstanding dwarf ornamental, variegated corn.
Pearl cucumber is naturally white at harvest.
Links to this article are strongly encouraged, and this article may be republished without further permission if published as written and if credit is given to the author, Yard and Garden, and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. If this article is to be used in any other manner, permission from the author is required. This article was originally published on July 15, 2009. The information contained within may not be the most current and accurate depending on when it is accessed.