Bulb Catalogs

While the hot, humid days of August are still upon us, it's time to begin planning our fall garden activities. One fall garden chore is the planting of tulips, daffodils, and other spring-flowering bulbs.

Gardeners can purchase spring-flowering bulbs at local garden centers and mail-order companies. For your convenience, the mailing addresses and web sites of several mail-order bulb companies are provided. Brent and Becky's Bulbs 7463 Heath Trail Gloucester, Virginia 23061 Dutch Gardens P.O. Box 2037 Lakewood, New Jersey 08701 McClure Zimmerman 108 West Winnebago St., P.O. Box 368 Friesland, Wisconsin 53935 Park Seed 1 Parkton Avenue Greenwood, South Carolina 29647 John Scheepers 23 Tulip Drive Bantam, Connecticut 06750 Van Bourgondien 245 Route 109, P.O. Box 1000 Babylon, New York 11702 Van Dyck's P.O. Box 430 Brightwaters, New York 11718 White Flower Farm (The Bulb Book) P.O. Box 50 Litchfield, Connecticut 06759

Catalogs from all of the aforementioned companies are free. No endorsement of companies is intended in this listing, nor is criticism implied of similar companies that are not shown.

This article originally appeared in the August 10, 2001 issue, p. 101.

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