Fruit Tree Pruning and Training Workshops Spring 2000

Commercial growers and home gardeners are welcome to attend workshops on pruning and training fruit trees that will be held across the state in March and April. The workshops will cover pruning and training goals, equipment, and techniques. Interested individuals should pre-register at the site(s) they would like to attend. (The dates, times, locations and contacts for the Fruit Tree Pruning and Training Workshops are listed below.) The contacts will also be able to provide additional information, such as registration fee (most sites will be charging $5.00) and workshop site.

Fruit Tree Pruning and Training Workshops

Date Time Location Phone
March 4 1:00 pm Bettendorf (Scott County) 319-359-7577
March 11 1:00 pm Nashua (Chickasaw County) 319-267-2707
March 16 2:00 pm Auburn (Sac County) 712-662-7131
March 17 9:00 am Castana (Monona County) 712-423-2175
March 18 1:00 pm Swisher (Johnson County) 319-337-2145
March 21* 7:30 pm Manchester (Delaware County) 319-927-4201
March 23 1:00 pm Council Bluffs (West Pott. County) 712-366-7070
March 24 9:00 am Sutherland (O'Brien County) 712-446-2649
March 25 10:00 am West Chester (Washington County) 319-653-4811
March 25 10:00 am Winterset (Madison County) 515-462-1001
March 29 1:30 pm Bloomfield (Davis County) 515-664-2730
March 29 5:00 pm Sioux City (Woodbury County) 712-276-2157
March 30 9:00 am Sioux City (Woodbury County) 712-276-2157
March 31 1:00 pm Pella (Marion County) 515-842-2014
April 1 10:00 am Hawkeye (Fayette County) 319-425-3331
April 3 6:00 pm Blakesburg (Wapello County) 515-682-5491
April 4 6:00 pm Nevada (Story County) 515-382-6551
April 5 3:00 pm Grinnell (Poweshiek County) 800-769-9986
* The date and time for the Manchester location are tentative.

Fruit Tree Grafting Workshops

There will also be Fruit Tree Grafting Workshops in Council Bluffs, at the Iowa Arboretum, and in Fayette County in April. Participants will have the opportunity to do some grafting and take home 2 or 3 grafted fruit trees. Those interested in attending a Fruit Tree Grafting Workshop should contact the site they would like to attend and pre-register at least 1 week in advance. The sites in Fayette County and Council Bluffs will be charging $15.00 per participant. The Iowa Arboretum has not set their fee at this time.

Fruit Tree Grafting Workshops

Date Time Location Phone
April 1 1:00 pm Hawkeye (Fayette County) 319-425-3331
April 4 2:00 pm Council Bluffs 712-755-3104
April 8 1:00 pm Iowa Arboretum (near Luther) 515-795-3216

This article originally appeared in the February 11, 2000 issue, pp. 9-10.


Links to this article are strongly encouraged, and this article may be republished without further permission if published as written and if credit is given to the author, Yard and Garden, and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. If this article is to be used in any other manner, permission from the author is required. This article was originally published on February 11, 2000. The information contained within may not be the most current and accurate depending on when it is accessed.