Do You Need to Attend a Continuing Instructional Course?

The Iowa Pesticide Act was amended last year to change the certification requirements for commercial pesticide applicators. Applicators may now choose between continuing education or testing to maintain their pesticide applicator certification. Last year if you chose to maintain your certification through education, you needed to attend an approved 2-hour continuing instructional course before December 31, 1993. And you will need to attend a 2-hour course for each of your certification categories in 1994 and every year after. If you fail to attend an approved course for one of your certification categories in any year, you will have to retest when your certification expires.

Continuing education courses are approved for specific certification categories. A 2-hour program may qualify for more than one certification category. For example, if you are certified in 3OT (Ornamental and Turfgrass Management), you could attend the November 7 Ornamental Turfgrass videoconference to meet your 1994 CIC requirement for this category. However, if you are also certified in Category 3G- Greenhouse Pest Mangement you will also need to attend a 2-hour CIC program approved for 3G. See the two program listings above for the 3G category. The September 17 CIC program is a 2-hour portion of the Society of Iowa Florists 91st Annual Convention. This pest management, calibration, and pesticide regulations workshop will be from 1:00 to 3:00 pm on Saturday, September 17 for those applicators certified in category 3G. You will receive a mailing with registration information for the October 25 and November 7 programs if you are a certified commercial applicator in those categories.

This article originally appeared in the August 26, 1994 issue, p. 132.


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