
Iowa State University's Campanile surrounded by snow covered trees

Yard and Garden

Find current home gardening information about plant care, plant recommendations, growing & harvesting, pest management, and household pests written by Iowa State University Extension specialists in the Departments of Horticulture and Plant Pathology, Entomology & Microbiology. 

Timely Topics

pink and white moth orchid blooms

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Keep up-to-date on gardening topics. 

Learn more about what is blooming around Iowa, what are some common gardening questions, frequent pests for the week, and timely tasks for the garden and landscape.

Various vegetables in a garden.

Beginners Guide to Vegetable Gardening

Ready to start your own vegetable garden? Learn the basics of planning, caring, growing, planting, and harvesting. Gardening benefits your health, connects you to nature, and saves you money.

Leafy greens growing inside a low tunnel.

Tips for Earlier Yields in the Home Vegetable Garden

Home gardeners can achieve earlier harvests using season extension techniques like early-maturing varieties, transplants, black plastic mulch, hot tents, Wall-O-Waters, and floating row covers.

Red and yellow cut roses.

Caring for Valentine's Day Plants

Find resources on all the cut flowers and plants you might give your sweetheart on Valentine's Day!

Peaches with cold damage.

Fruit Crop Cold Hardiness Zones: The Dream and the Reality

Cold hardiness of fruit trees varies. Several factors make the winter survival of plants like 'Reliance' peaches uncertain and despite being cold hardy, can still suffer bud and tree damage in Iowa's coldest temperatures.

People in an audience listening to a presenter.

17th Annual Day of Insects at Iowa State University's Reiman Gardens

This year marks the 17th annual "Day of Insects" (DOI) at Reiman Gardens on March 29th. DOI is a day filled with 15 presentations covering a wide range of insect-related topics. DOI has something for everyone interested in or involved with insects!

Growing Amaryllis

Featured Publication

Growing Amaryllis

Amaryllis are popular flowering bulbs grown indoors during the winter months. Learn how easy it is to plant an amaryllis bulb and how to care for it as it grows.

Yard and Garden News

Wild-harvested Mushroom Certification Class Set for Spring

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach’s Wild-harvested Mushroom Certification Class will return this spring. The class is particularly relevant for those hoping to sell wild-harvested mushrooms, as sellers are legally required to complete a certification workshop to sell eight different varieties of wild-harvested mushrooms.

Yard and Garden: Caring for Sansevieria

Sansevieria is known for its ability to thrive in a variety of conditions, making it an ideal choice for both novice and experienced gardeners. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach horticulturists answer questions on these highly adaptable indoor plants.

Monarch and Pollinator Habitat Workshop Series to Be Held in February and March

Iowa Learning Farms will host a series of monarch and pollinator habitat workshops in February and March. Farmers, landowners and urban residents are welcome to attend these free workshops that include a complimentary meal.

Iowa Gardening Newsletter

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Iowa Gardening News provides timely information and reminders all year from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach.

Garden Variety Podcast

Garden Variety Podcast

Whether you're a master gardener, just getting started or somewhere in between — there's always something new to learn in your garden.