
fall color in front of Iowa State University's Campanile

Yard and Garden

Find current home gardening information about plant care, plant recommendations, growing & harvesting, pest management, and household pests written by Iowa State University Extension specialists in the Departments of Horticulture and Plant Pathology, Entomology & Microbiology. 

Timely Topics

picture of the yellow strap-like flowers of fall witch hazel

Trending Topics

Keep up-to-date on gardening topics. 

Learn more about what is blooming around Iowa, what are some common gardening questions, frequent pests for the week, and timely tasks for the garden and landscape.

Dickinson pumpkins.

Plants on the Thanksgiving Table - Truths Revealed

Thanksgiving staples like turkey, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, and cranberries have interesting (and sometimes misleading) histories and myths. 


Broadleaf Evergreen Shrubs for Iowa

Broad-leaved evergreen shrubs like boxwoods, wintercreeper, and rhododendrons add beauty to landscapes but require careful site selection and soil prep in Iowa. Learn more about caring for these evergreens in Iowa.

Bright green strawberry leaves.

Don't Get in a Rush to Apply Mulch to Your Strawberry Bed This Fall

November is often the time we think about applying mulch to strawberry beds in Iowa. While mulching in the fall is good practice, it's also something we don't want to do too early. This article explains factors to consider before mulching strawberries.

Zinnia Thumbelina.

Reminiscing on Past AAS Winners

Here's a look back at some All-American Selections winners from decades past. Whether these haven't been grown for a while, or are grown year after year, they would all be great additions to garden planning for 2025 and beyond.

PIDC Wrapped 2024 graphic

Upcoming webinar: PIDC Wrapped 2024

Learn about trends and interesting cases from 2024 in a webinar by the Iowa State University Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic.

2025 Garden Calendar - Perennial Beauty

Featured Publication

2025 Garden Calendar - Perennial Beauty

Herbaceous perennials are some of the most colorful and beautiful additions to the landscape. They thrive in various conditions—from sunny spots to shaded areas and moist to dry soil. With a diverse range of forms, colors, and blooms, there’s a perennial for every garden.

Care for perennials, including natives, is easy. Learn more about growing and maintaining perennials in the Midwest landscape with the monthly tips featured in this beautiful calendar.

Yard and Garden News

Yard and Garden: Fall Color FAQ

Horticulturists with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach answer questions about how fall color forms and provide recommendations on trees and shrubs with colorful fall foliage.

Record 4-H Horticulture Exhibitors at the Iowa State Fair

Iowa 4-H celebrated record-breaking participation of over 600 entries in the 4-H Horticulture Show, held Aug. 10 at the 2024 Iowa State Fair.

Habitat Safety Series to Be Featured on the Habitat University Podcast

Learn safety best practices and get advice from a wildlife specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. A five-part podcast series will cover safety tips that can save limbs and lives.

Iowa Gardening Newsletter

Get the most current home gardening information right to your inbox!  

Iowa Gardening News provides timely information and reminders all year from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach.

Garden Variety Podcast

Garden Variety Podcast

Whether you're a master gardener, just getting started or somewhere in between — there's always something new to learn in your garden.